Oh hey there, my little love birds!
Have you ever thought to yourself... "I look pretty damn foxy today!" because I definitely have. In fact, 90% of the time I leave the house thinking I look pretty awesome sauce!
Unfortunately photos never lie. I wish those bastard photos would, but they don't.
When the opportunity for a photo of you arises, you might be like me and think during the pose you choose to strike, that this photo is going to turn out fantastically. Then the truth, bitch slaps you right in your naive face as you go and look at the horrific evidence of how awkward you truly are...and the worst part is that the painfully unattractive photo of you is lurking inside one of your friends phones, your significant other's, or maybe even that group of girls in their car as they drive by and spot how hilariously weird you look. (this has happened to me. In fact, last week as my best girlfriend and I struck a pose and waited for our iPhone timer to snap a pic of us. Yep.)
Every day in Mexico was amazing! And of course, myself and the other couple that came along with Matt and I, were snapping pics of our entire trip. One night we sat and looked over the photos we had been taking on all of our phones, and hysterically laughed as each swipe of our finger revealed an even more incredibly bad photo. They were so bad, all we could do was laugh and start to love how awesomely horrendous they were!
If you are or ever have been under the impression that I am "photogenic", the photos from our vacation in Mexico will surely prove otherwise. I hope you enjoy these extra shockingly bad photos as much as I do!
WARNING you are about to be punched in the throat with the crushing news that I am not, wait for it.................PERFECT. I know. Spoiler alert.
This gem of a photo was taken while we were on a bridge....a very ROCKY and SHAKY bridge over water. Obviously by my face, you can see that I was not a fan of the scary death bridge haha. So just for kicks and giggles, I placed a man eating shark in the background, because I think my facial expression alludes people to think there might have been something actually scary happening around me.
You know you're soul mates when a wave hits and you both make the same hideous face.
I was bent over, almost on the floor, laughing when I saw this.
A crazy lady on the streets of Tulum, Mexico, just up and handed me this gigantic dragon as she walked by us. My face is obviously saying "What in the actual hell is going on" oh and "I love creepy crawly creatures"
The crazy lady, then demanded 10 AMERICAN dollars. Not pesos. Dollars. So she made a fortune off of us and our friends. What a bitch.
In retrospect, Im totally cool with paying that gold digger, because this photo makes me laugh!
This photo.... I have no explanation for.
Maybe my Beyonce booty smacked him in the face?
I told him to catch me.................
He did not.
I call this the hanging monkey photo.

I said we should do the Notebook kiss...And this is how he interpreted that request.
It's almost spot on haha
I'm a really elegant snorkeler.
PHOTOS TO BE CONTINUED....yep...there's more.
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