Friday, May 29, 2015


Dodger got a fun surprise in the mail the other was a letter addressed to him from his traveling  buddy, Captain Toto, and inside was the highest quality stickers I've ever seen! He was so excited and to be honest, I was a tad excited about them myself! I had a tiny urge to try and make sure Dodge didn't damage the stickers, because they are that cute! Yep, I'm a weirdo. I'm only slightly ashamed of this.

With everything nowadays revolving around TV, phone, tablet, and computer screens, it's really a breath of fresh air to introduce my little man to the "old ways" of communication. I think it's incredibly important to not forget to teach my child about connecting with the world personally and not just through a screen. 

I love this quote from Captain Toto himself...
"Traveling is often a rare luxury for kids, but isn’t childhood the best time to discover the world? Why is it that when their curiosity level is at its peak, they hardly ever get to leave their neighborhood? As true believers that learning about the planet’s diversity, languages, cultures and traditions help us become better people, we decided to create a universe to tickle your little adventurers’ minds."

If you're thinking to yourself... "Dammit Heather, I'm with ya!" then get your little selves over to Captain Toto {<--- press the link} and sign up for a letter to arrive for your little ones every month from somewhere new across the globe!

The bulldog sticker is totally my favorite!

Concentrating hard on his stickers haha

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