My husband was born and raised in Moab, and like a lot of people in this town, it's been his families home for generations. Like seriously, I don't think people born in Moab ever actually leave, and if they do..they always come back!
It's become quite the tourist spot the past couple decades, so needless to say its crazy expensive to live here...Like ridiculously expensive! so I never thought we'd be able to live here. It was always a nice dream to move our little family to Moab one day to be closer to family, but we figured we'd most likely stay in Southern Utah because we loved it there so much! It was a huge surprise when Matt applied for a great electrician job up here on a whim and we we're shocked two months after he applied when they finally called and hired him.
We sold our house and moved into our in laws home in Moab, while we build a new home here. Of course, the move here was straight out of a some wretched nightmare. Our toy hauler, filled with all of our belongings, flipped on the freeway and completely destroyed almost everything inside. I'm starting to believe we can't go through any big life changes without experiencing a car accident too. We might be cursed! No big deal. But we're also so blessed. No one was hurt in the accident and what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. (I know that's extra cheesy but it's totally true!)

I have been visiting Moab every few months since I started dating Matt, seven years ago. Unfortunately, our family is extra lame and apparently don't like to go do all the touristy things around town, instead we like to just sit at home and eat and get fat. But who doesn't like to do that? So I've never really seen Moab like it should be seen, and therefore I've made it my goal to go do everything this little town has to offer now that we live here!
Moab is gorgeous. It's small with a population of only about 5,000 people, but boy does it pack a whole lot of beauty all around it.
I'm not going to sugar coat it or lie, this move has been incredibly stressful for me. Southern Utah was the longest I've ever lived anywhere, and for someone who's family moved more than 20 times in 6 different states before I was 16, staying in one place felt so good to me. I didn't want to leave all my beautiful friends and I especially didn't want to leave the comfort of a city I knew so well. But living in Moab has so many perks, and I want my Dodger boy to grow up the way his daddy did. Surrounded by loving family, and growing up in a small town gives you a life you just can't get anywhere else.
To help relieve the anxiety and stress that comes with selling our home, moving, building a home, car accidents, and dealing with a million other things being thrown our way, I have to kick myself outside so I don't just sit in my Pj's and watch netflix until all my stresses are gone (and I have a feeling stressful crap will happen to me for the rest of my life, so I better not bank on it every going away haha) I've made it a priority to get Dodger and I out everyday exploring every little part of Moab, so I can fall in love with this place and really make it my home and my families home. We've only been around to a few little areas, but I'm already madly in love with the landscape and the people here. It's such a cute and quirky vibe in Moab, and I think it fits us pretty perfect!
Of course, because I can't help it, I snap photos every time we go on a little adventure! So here's what we've been up to lately in photographs....

I have been visiting Moab every few months since I started dating Matt, seven years ago. Unfortunately, our family is extra lame and apparently don't like to go do all the touristy things around town, instead we like to just sit at home and eat and get fat. But who doesn't like to do that? So I've never really seen Moab like it should be seen, and therefore I've made it my goal to go do everything this little town has to offer now that we live here!
Moab is gorgeous. It's small with a population of only about 5,000 people, but boy does it pack a whole lot of beauty all around it.
I'm not going to sugar coat it or lie, this move has been incredibly stressful for me. Southern Utah was the longest I've ever lived anywhere, and for someone who's family moved more than 20 times in 6 different states before I was 16, staying in one place felt so good to me. I didn't want to leave all my beautiful friends and I especially didn't want to leave the comfort of a city I knew so well. But living in Moab has so many perks, and I want my Dodger boy to grow up the way his daddy did. Surrounded by loving family, and growing up in a small town gives you a life you just can't get anywhere else.
To help relieve the anxiety and stress that comes with selling our home, moving, building a home, car accidents, and dealing with a million other things being thrown our way, I have to kick myself outside so I don't just sit in my Pj's and watch netflix until all my stresses are gone (and I have a feeling stressful crap will happen to me for the rest of my life, so I better not bank on it every going away haha) I've made it a priority to get Dodger and I out everyday exploring every little part of Moab, so I can fall in love with this place and really make it my home and my families home. We've only been around to a few little areas, but I'm already madly in love with the landscape and the people here. It's such a cute and quirky vibe in Moab, and I think it fits us pretty perfect!
Of course, because I can't help it, I snap photos every time we go on a little adventure! So here's what we've been up to lately in photographs....

Throwing rocks into the icy creek, because that was the obvious choice as soon as we walked by it.

Kickin' dirt around with his big boy boots and looking like he's all grown up!

He does this a lot. Climbs big rocks, then chickens out as soon as he stands up and proceeds to demand mommy to come get him.

I feel like this is a glimpse into how his future flirting with chicks will look like.
"How you doin'?"

He's got mad jumping skills...well sorta haha

Exploring "Hole in the rock"


Rolling in the leaves!

Always chasing him around!

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