Monday, March 3, 2014


You want to know the truth? You can't handle the truth!!! 
Above was my attempt at quoting a movie I've never actually seen. I know what you're thinking...but please don't yell at me! I'll rent it asap. 
Honestly, I totally think you can handle the truth. So, that's what I'm going to give you. The TRUTH. What I am about to write is a completely HONEST and REAL account for my experience with DoTerra Essential Oils.  No one held a gun to my abnormally large head and forced me to fall crazy in love with DoTerra oils, but I did. 
Although I've always loved the idea of using natural remedies, including herbs and essential oils, I have never actually used any until recently! Shocking right? When people have mentioned essential oils to me, I've always been so curious about them and figured they were probably a great idea, but unfortunately, I have never followed through with my curiosity.  I figured it was too much of a hassle to actually go buy oils and then to really use them all the time. I was also a bit skeptical about just how much of a difference oils would make in my everyday life and whether it was even worth buying expensive oils when I could just buy cheap crap and get by. 
I was super duper wrong. I truly wish I would have started using essential oils the first time I heard about them years ago. I'm sure I'd be some crazy healthy person right now, instead of being in constant fear I might collapse randomly one day because I live off of Diet Mountain Dew and junk food. Scary huh. 
When I became pregnant with my sweet little boy, I started to obsess about only buying the most expensive organic products for babies. I stocked up on lotions, shampoos, and all types of creams that cost my poor little wallet a pricey penny! My husband was not a fan of my organic choices and if it were up to him, he'd buy the cheapest knock of version of everything and just go with it. MEN. To this day, I won't dare use anything that's not all natural and organic for my little mister. Why even chance using harsh products and chemicals on Dodger's precious baby body? No way. I want to give Dodge the best of everything and have him be the healthiest and happiest he can be, but what mother wouldn't want this for their babe? As mammas, we protect our little ones and try to make their world as wonderful as we can possibly can. Since I started using essential oils, I've realized I can replace all my pricey organic products with pure yummy goodness that not only cures everything on the outside but also on the inside. I bet you're thinking I am totally full of it right now, aren't you? I hate to slap you with the truth stick, but I'm being totally honest. These oils are the shit. Excuse my French.
A few weeks ago my dear friend Olga and I were out to lunch and she asked me if I would be interested in doing a trial run of Do Terra Essential Oils. I jumped at the chance to finally try these mysterious oils that I've heard so much about! I became giddy just talking about all the oils I could use on Dodge and what they could do for him. I figured that I'd use the oils for Dodger and didn't even think about really using them on myself and especially not on mister skeptical himself, my husband. 
Not only do they work magic on Dodger, but they have even impressed Matt!! It's a miracle I tell you! This guy hates anything he considers "hippie" which is EVERYTHING.
Olga gave me a few different essential oils and a few blended essential oils to try. She also gave me an amazing essential oil reference book, which lists every single oil and every blend carried by doTERRA, with detailed instructions on how to use them, as well as a section in the back with all sorts of illnesses, ailments, mood and behavior struggles, etc. and then numerous ideas for various oils that could be used in each situation. I think I've read this book more than I've read my Vogue magazine, which is saying A LOT. I also have the memory of a gold fish, I'm not kidding, so I love having my handy dandy reference book on the counter at all times. I also leave it on the counter because I am too lazy to actually find a place to put it away. 
Let's get to the good stuff, shall we? What do these supposed magical essential oils do? Well, they do everything!

A couple days ago while I was bathing Dodger, I noticed his neck starting to swell and become red. I immediately panicked. He has NEVER had any allergic reaction or any skin problems whatsoever, so I became very nervous when his neck started exploding with hives.  I took him out of the bath and to my husband in the next room. After showing Dodger's neck to Matt, I sent him to the Walmart around the corner to buy Benadryl. I sat down with Dodge on the couch and decided "what the hell" I'll try applying DoTerra Lavender oil to his hives that were quickly getting worse. I rubbed the oil on the back of his neck and on the bottoms of his feet. As soon as I put the oil down and looked at Dodge's neck, I noticed the swelling looked as if it had gone down. I was completely shocked. There was no way it was possible for the Lavender to work that fast, was there? Luckily, I had thought of taking a video of Dodger's neck before applying the oils so I could see if any changes happened afterwards.  1 minute after I had taken the "before" video, I recorded a second video. This is NO exaggeration. The Lavender oil had reduced the swelling and hives within 30 seconds of applying!!!! It sounds unbelievable, and I wouldn't believe it was true myself unless I had the videos to prove it.  15 minutes after applying the oil, the hives and swelling were completely gone. My husband came home with the Benadryl 20 minutes after I had used the Lavender oil on Dodger, and refused to believe what he saw in front of him. Dodger's neck was back to normal. We had no need for the medication anymore. 

Can you believe it?? I still can't! I have lived a life full of all over body hives and swelling of my face/lips/throat until I was about 19 years old, and I haven't had hives or swelling since. Maybe I grew out of whatever I was allergic to? (we could never figure out what it was) But, in all of my experience with hives/swelling, they always took at least a day to start clearing up. I have never seen an allergic reaction clear up as quickly as Dodger's did. If only I would have had these magically DoTerra oils when I was growing up! 

After seeing these oils in action, I am completely hooked and will NEVER live without them. I can't even explain in words how thankful I am to have these amazing little oils in my house. It gives me such a peace of mind knowing I can help my son in any way he needs without pumping him full of drugs. 

Curing allergic reactions isn't all DoTerra oils can do, here are a few examples of other amazing things!:


  • I apply Lemon and Lavender oil to my face (I just started this since getting the oils last week) to prevent breakouts/zits and also to help get rid of a couple scars on my face from the car accident I was in. These oils work amazing! I have a super expensive fancy shmancy face wash and lotion I use morning and night that I totally love. For the most part, I have clear skin all the time and I give credit to my fancy products, but once in awhile I cant help myself from picking at blackheads or bumps I think are undercover pimples but turn out to be nothing and then turn into zits because I pinched at my face. Last night I pinched about 15 different places on my face. I couldn't stop myself, even though I know every time I pinch at myself, I wake up in the morning with about 5 new zits and hate myself because I know it was all my fault for pinching. After I pinched up my face, I panicked. So I quickly lathered on Lemon oil (which is a natural antibacterial) and Lavender (which is great for everything, seriously) and prayed that in the morning there would be no new zits. I am so surprised and incredibly happy to say, NO ZITS this morning! It's a miracle!

  • Add 1 drop of lavender essential oil to your mascara tube and it will promote lash growth, strengthens and adds volume to your lashes!!
  • You can blend a few oils (Lavender, Frankincense, and Helicrysum to prevent and get rid of stretch marks! I have been applying these oils to my pregnancy stretch marks for the last few days and already can see a difference!
  • I bite my lips all the time, so if I get cracks or if they get chapped, I just apply lavender at night and wake up with beautiful lips again!
  • BODY
    • Dodge just had his top 2 front teeth come in! When I saw how much discomfort he was in, I rubbed Lavender and Chamomile oil between his nose and upper lip. He slept so great that night and didn't act like his teeth were giving him any pain in the morning. These oils are so great for teething babies! Even if your baby is grumpy or crying, just use Lavender or Chamomile and watch how fast their mood changes to happy. I love it! 
    • Deep Blue Rub- Amazing. It is similar to an icy blue rub, like what you might buy at the pharmacy, but a million times better. You can buy it either as an oil blend, or as a lotion that is already mixed with the oils (this is what we tried). It smells divine. Even better, it was such a soothing balm to my sore, tight muscles and also to the my horribly painful back. 
    • If you have issues with getting good sleep like me or if you want to help your baby sleep great, Lavender/Roman Chamomile/Serenity oils are AMAZING. Dodge has slept through the night since 6 weeks old. He's the best sleeper! At about 6 months old, he started to wake up around 30 minutes after he had gone to bed and would need me to rock him back to sleep and then he'd sleep all night just fine. I couldn't figure out why he started to do this every night and he's continued to do it until last week when I tried applying Lavender oil on the bottom of his feet before bed. He didn't wake up once that night. I thought it might have just been a coincidence, so I applied Lavender every night for a few days. It has been a little over a week since I started using Lavender on his feet and I put Lavender and Chamomile in his baths and he has slept perfect! No more waking up 30 minutes after he falls asleep and he wakes up so well rested every morning. I LOVE these oils! 
    • Wild Orange oil is also a favorite of mine. It can be both energizing, uplifting, and a sedative.  It does this by instilling feelings of peace. I sometimes put a drop of Wild Orange on my hands and just inhale the wonderful smell and instantly feel so great. It really helps me if I feel stressed or anxiety. You can also use it on your baby to cure their tummy aches.
    • Wild orange is certified by the FDA, and is safe for ingestion.  Adding 1-2 drops of this oil to ¼ cut of water and drinking can be very helpful for acid reflux or heartburn.  It has a powerful alkalizing effect on the system, making it very effective for many digestive issues.
    • I use Peppermint oil for its calming effect to relieve stress and tension and also on my sore muscles. It's so effective for relieving headaches associated with stress or upset stomach, as well as for migraines.  Just apply a few drops to the back of the neck for stress, or to the temples to relieve a headache.
    I can't say enough great things about DoTerra essential oils! I truly believe that using these oils in our home has made such a huge difference in our lives, and it's only been a few weeks! If I could convince you to just TRY one oil, it would be Lavender. Please Please Please try using this oil, I promise it will change you, your babies, and your families lives for the greater! Second favorite oil would be Lemon or Serenity or Wild Orange (They are all so good I can't choose between them!) 

    Do you want to hear the best news?! I love these oils. I love each one of you reading this. I want to help everyone experience the yummy goodness of DoTerra (I mean that with everything I have in me!). I am lucky enough to know such a wonderful person like Olga who has graciously given my readers/followers the opportunity to experience these oils for free!!!! That's right people, it's a GIVEAWAY!!

    The fantastic part is that now you get to try doTERRA essential oils for free by entering the contest below

    ONE LUCKY WINNER will receive a FREE Introduction to Essential Oils Kit

    PLUS – The FIRST 10 who register for Olga’s FREE online webinar “ESSENTIAL OILS FOR KIDS” (    will receive a set of 5 oil samples that Olga will mail to you before the webinar. She will teach you how to use the oils during the webinar and will answer all your questions.
    Perfect for beginners, the Introduction to Essential Oils Kit is everything you need to get started experiencing the life-changing benefits of dōTERRA essential oils.
    Lavender Oil is used for all things calming - a natural sleep aid, soothes scrapes, burns, insect bites, and great for sinus and allergy congestion.
    Lemon Oil is sunshine in a bottle!  A natural detoxifier and disinfectant, Lemon can be used internally to soothe a soar throat, or spray to freshen up your laundry, protect fruits and veggies from rot, and as a green cleaner.
    Peppermint: To relieve digestive discomfort, works wonders at reducing fevers, used for energy and focus, headache relief and sore/aching muscles.
    Here are additional uses for Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint

    Want to win your own pack of Peppermint, Lemon, & Lavender Essential Oils from Olga?
    How To Enter:
    Optional Extra Entries:
    • Register for Olga’s FREE webinar “Essential oils for kids” (  and leave a comment  on the event page that you indicating that you registered
    • Repost my Instagram Image with the hashtag #thespiritofawildorange. Make sure to please include @Quirkyfeather & @olgagoddard on your re post and leave a comment below telling us that you did!
    • Follow @thespiritofawildorange on Instagram
    • You will have until Saturday, March 10th to enter the Giveaway
    • The MAIN prize giveaway (Introduction to Essential Oils Kit) is open to residents of the United States, Australia & Canada.
    • Due to time constraints, the 10 additional entrees (for the samples) available only for US residents.


    1. this honestly sounds so awesome. i so want to enter this giveaway but i dont have a Fb. so bummed. but thank you for introducing these awesome oils for everyone

      1. You can still enter! Do everything else and you can still win! Thank you for reading my long novel about these amazing oils, you're amazing!

    2. Ok I reposted and did everything else as will :) I would love to use these on my lil guy!!

    3. I think I did everything for the contest. I need these!

    4. Where on the blog post part do I comment? Maybe I'm retarded but ī can't get past that part

    5. I took Olga's seminar and loved the samples- thank you so much! I really learned a ton from her! I have my fingers crossed because now I know we need these!!!!

    6. Oh- and I've shared and follow on IG as well :) @RiversThings!



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