Monday, March 10, 2014


I get asked a lot of question about my photography, so I thought I'd answer those questions and also give you a few tips and tricks I use to make my photos look picture perfect!

Here are 5 easy tips and tricks for snapping the perfect photo of your child!

1. Perfect Timing 

This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Timing is everything! How would you like to be photographed in the middle of the night when you are tired and grumpy? You'd probably slap that camera right out of your face, if you're anything like me. So it's incredibly important to make sure your babe is happy and well-rested. YOU know what times would work best for your kids. When is their nap time? Have they been fed? The best time to photograph your kiddos is after a nap and after a they've filled their tummies. Work around their schedule and plan for when you want to try a little photo time. 

2. Distractions

Before you start snapping away, look around and remove all distractions. By distractions, I am talking about both for your kiddo and also objects in your pictures. Throw all the toys in the background in the other room or make sure there isn't any trash on the ground outside where you are wanting to take your photo. Have a clean background wherever you choose to take your photo, so your kids are the main focus.

3. In Motion

When photographing kids, you'll be getting a major work out while trying to run around with them. Up the shutter speed and set your camera to continuous shooting mode. If you don't think you have a high tech camera that does this, look and see if your camera has a little icon that looks like a guy running. Set it to that mode, which is sports mode, and your camera will fire at it's fastest shutter speed. 

4. Natural Light

Lighting is one of the most important things you can do to make your photographs look amazing! Natural light is key. If you are indoors, take your pictures next to a window. When you are outdoors, the perfect time to snap your photos would be around 5pm-7pm. Basically, when the sun is coming up or setting. Be sure to find some shade and take your photos there. 

5. Edit

To edit my photos I use PS Touch App for iPad, PS Express App, and Pic Tap Go. 

PS Touch- This app lets you blur the background of your photo if you do not have a camera that will do it when you take the picture. It also lets you do a million other cool things! I love it.

PS Express- I use this app to reduce the noise in my photos. It becomes especially handy for pictures you take with your phone, because those photos are usually pretty "grainy". 

Pic Tap Go and Afterlight- These apps are my favorite for doing the final edit on my photos. They both offer great filters!

I hope these easy tips help you capture the perfect photo! The best thing you can do is KNOW your camera, fool around with it and see what it can do. Experiment with angles, lighting, be creative, and have fun! I always make sure Dodge and I are having fun, because that's when you get the best photos :) 

Get to snapping and capture those memories!


  1. I've a plan to buy a camera and your entire camera writing and display information is able to gives me a vital look about such kind of camera and i hope I'll enjoy one for me.

  2. I really love the way you discuss this kind of topic..!



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